The reluctance of Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko to throw in his hat in the upcoming All-Indonesia Badminton Association (PBSI) has thrown plans by sponsors Djarum to have their “man” head the powerful association.
Djarum, through its proxies – a group of former internationals from the Djarum Badminton Club – , had lobbied for Moeldoko to contest the PBSI presidency, and with the effort failing, have now thrown their support behind Ari Wibowo, the chair of Banten province.
Ari has even claimed that he had an online discussion with Victor Hartono, the crown prince of Djarum, who in the past has been the power behind the PBSI leadership.
But to be the PBSI president Ari will have to first get past the head of the Indonesian Audit Board (BPK) Agung Firman Sampurna in the elections.
Unfortunately for Ari, the backing from Djarum has not wavered the support from the 29 affiliates that has thrown their support for Agong.
Ari, himself has now admitted that there may be a problem with the support letters he had submitted to the PBSI during the nomination process at the JHL Hotel in Serpong from November 5-6. He had submitted the minimum required numbers of support letters and has confirmed that there could be a duplication of some of the support from those, who had also supported his rival.
Going by the rules, the double nominations would all be cancelled and Ari is not likely to meet the minimum requirement to get past the screening done by the election committee.
Ari has been anxious of his fate ever since he had filed in his nomination, as are the supporters of Agung, who have been worried that Ari, if elected, would be a puppet at the hands of Djarum.
They believe that it is time that the leadership of PBSI to be more independent and not reliant and any individual of selected club.
The PBSI belongs to all parties, not just for the provinces and clubs in Jawa. The elected PBSI president must be able to look after the needs and interest of all stakeholders, including that of Djarum and Victor, whose loyalty and immense contribution to badminton cannot be denied.
And if, as expected Agung goes to the general body meeting uncontested, the tradition of selecting the PBSI chairman on consensus will continue.
From the era of President Soeharto, the heads of PBSI and the All-Indonesia Football Association (PSSI) were among the key sports organisations that had to be “approved” by the Palace. Both these sports are seen as the important national sports – badminton as the potential world beater and football as the most supported.
The reluctance of Moeldoko to contest should be seen as an indication from the Palace that it supports Agung, who also happens to be a senior and respected government board member.
Ari and his supporters, instead of questioning Agung’s capability and knowledge in badminton, should instead contribute ideas and suggestions to upkeep the winning tradition in PBSI.
Leaders change, but the winning tradition should not die off. Because badminton is our nation’s “fate”
The article is translated from Bahasa Indonesia. Read the original article below
Jangan Ada ‘Boneka’ di PBSI
Setelah Kepala Staf Kepresidenan Moeldoko gagal diendorse Djarum lewat atlet-atlet legendanya, kabarnya Djarum memindahkan dukungannya kepada Ketua Pengrov PBSI Banten Ari Wibowo.
Ari mengklaim sudah bertemu (secara virtual) dengan Victor Hartono, putra mahkota Djarum, yang selama ini terjun langsung mengurus bulutangkis.
Artinya Ari siap head to head dengan Ketua Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Agung Firman Sampurna.
Sayangnya dukungan Djarum tak menggoyahkan keputusan 29 Pengda pemilik hak suara yang sudah komit memberikan dukungannya pada Agung.
Sebaliknya Ari mengaku langkahnya ke Munas PBSI 2020 pada 5-6 November di JHL Hotel, Serpong, mulai diganjal karena dari dukungan 10 pengda (syarat minimal dukungan) yang ia serahkan ke panitia penjaringan, ada yang terindikasi ganda.
Dengan begitu, suara ganda tersebut bakal dibatalkan dan Ari sudah dipastikan gugur karena tidak memenuhi persyaratan.
Artinya peluang Ari untuk lolos dari tim penjaringan sudah sangat tipis.
Kekhawatiran ini memang sudah dirasakan Ari sejak memutuskan untuk siap maju sebagai caketum PP PBSI.
Sementara dikubu pendukung Agung justru khawatir jika Ari hanya akan jadi ‘boneka’ Djarum jika ia terpilih.
Padahal saat ini PBSI membutuhkan kepemimpinan yang lebih mandiri tidak bergantung pada individu atau satu klub tertentu.
PBSI milik bersama bukan cuma pengda atau klub di Jawa saja.
Ketua Umum terpilih harus mampu merangkul semua stake holder bulutangkis termasuk Djarum dan Victor, yang loyalitas dan kontribusinya pada bulutangkis tidak diragukan lagi.
Dan jika Agung melaju ke Munas tanpa lawan artinya tradisi pemilihan Ketua Umum PBSI secara aklamasi kembali berlanjut.
Di era Presiden Soeharto PBSI dan PSSI termasuk cabang olahraga yang ketua umumnya harus ‘didroping’ dari Istana. Mengingat keduanya adalah cabang terpenting di tanah air.
Bulutangkis sebagai cabang yang paling berprestasi dan sepakbola cabang yang paling banyak penggemarnya alias cabang favorit.
Dan keengganan Moeldoko bisa jadi isyarat restu dari istana pada Agung yang merupakan pimpinan tertinggi lembaga negara.
Jadi, daripada Ari dan pendukungnya melempar isu tentang penjegalan, lebih baik melempar ide dan usulan bagaimana mempertahankan tradisi juara di PBSI.
Ketua selalu berganti, tapi tradisi juara tak boleh mati. Karena bulutangkis adalah ‘takdir’ negeri ini.